Mobile Platform Fever

A search on Mobile Platform would return Twenty lakh and Sixty thousand results. OMG!! There are these many pages that talk about Mobile Platform. You name it, there is a platform on mobile for it. Every Tom, dick and harry wants to write a platform and wants to burn money. There is platform to socialize, there is platform for e-commerce, there is platform for banking. There is no end to it.
I know twenty people directly who are working on one mobile platform or other. The worst part is everyone wants to become next Microsoft or Google. Jeezzz!!
No one will allow another Microsoft to be created. Google has a strange knack of getting into a market. If you are not ahead in a market, go and Open the market and make it free. Be it Android (another Mobile Platform) or Open Social or Google Docs, they came late; now Open it or make it free. No Exceptions.
So, What is the problem with Mobile platforms. The problem is “There are no users”.Period.
Now, AOL is going to release another platform. Already, we have this this this and this this this and this . . .
I just couldn’t bear the number of companies that start such projects. And there are mobile browser converters also. There are Indian companies also.
So, we have the products ready but there is no one to consume. Heard it some where? I will tell WHEN you heard it. Circa 2000.. And , it was called Dot Com Bubble. There were companies to sell Pet food, to sell groceries, literally everything. Lovely ideas but no one was ready for them.
This might be called Mobile Platform Bubble.
We might visit this topic again in couple of days or may be in 2016.

Men are from Mars…

Hey ya !!!
In the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus , John Gray declares that men’s mood is like elastic rubber band. It stretches and shrinks, oscillating, and wavering. He likes something sometime and doesn’t even talk about the same thing after some time and this is a cycle.
And, blogging has become the “something” for me.
Before I forget, there are some really cool stuff about understanding the opposite sex and yourself in the book. Cool book, check it out.
Suddenly, one fine chilly night, i feel like typing and let’s hope the cycle is small (may be a day or two).
There are hell lot of movies we need to check out and someone asked me that name of the blog and subject are not going well.
Well, we will surely visit some junks and musings.
It is not a promise but will be a true effort from my side.